Boost your income by offering invoice factoring Over the years I have found that the main opportunity we have with our introducers is not dissimilar to that of our direct clients. The main [...]
We are all hearing the doom and gloom story and in a recent article by Paul Strzelecki, Managing Director of Yorkville Advisors UK (read it here) he states that “Next year begins with an [...]
After reading a recent article at (read it here) I hope that just because we got carted over here from England to what should be the “mother land” that we are not going to inherit [...]
I have just been reading a blog post on the Sydney Morning Herald (read it here) about businesses either scaling back their work Christmas parties or not having them at all. This time last year [...]
One of the biggest challenges we find with the construction industry is the time it takes to get progress claims paid, the issue being that wages must be paid usually each week along with [...]
One of the people in the office has recently been reading a very interesting book called “The 4-Hour Workweek” ( which is a very popular book on how to outsource your [...]
I guess a frustration for me and a frustration for our prospects/clients is business owners waiting till the last minute to apply for factoring to get them access to working capital. All too [...]
I thought I would go through the basics again as it’s been a while and some people reading this blog would just like to find out how it works quickly. Most business to business sales carry 30 to [...]
One of the main things I hear from business owners who have been around a while is “I lost a heap of money to one customer when they went broke” or “I almost had to shut down my business because [...]
“Manufacturing activity plunged in October, according to the Australian Industry Group” ( As the paper reports, manufacturing is plunging, exporters to China and abroad are tightening [...]