The answer to your cash flow is locked up in your invoices! Okay – it’s about time we got a good understanding of what invoice factoring is and how it works. One of the most appealing definitions [...]
Usually used for when you have a large order placed by your customer that you cannot afford to get manufactured. You’ve used up all the money tied up in your invoices for working capital. [...]
The most common problem we find with clients is their inability to make those very important collection calls for overdue invoices. Most small businesses struggle with this aspect as usually the [...]
We often refer potential client on to other factoring companies or banks so we have put together a brief overview of how to communicate with a potential factoring provider. Have a read of this [...]
The primary service is, of course, factoring. Factors are in the service industry and, in addition to their main job, they also provide several extra services that can be highly beneficial to [...]
"A wise man puts all his eggs in one basket and watches that basket like a hawke" - not sure who wrote that, I read about it (in a book). This week we are extremely lucky to have the opportunity [...]
After you have tried your best to improve sales growth, cut costs while maintaining quality and competition, reworked your distribution channel strategy to expand your market while maintaining a [...]
Maintaining and growing gross margins is a key driver in keeping your business in profit and maintaining a healthy cash flow. At the same time, you must constantly be working out ways of [...]
When or if you ever come to the realisation that invoice discounting or factoring could be the right solution for your business, then you need to set about finding the right factor suited to your [...]