Partnership Debtor Finance
For business owners and introducers that are unaware, AR Cash Flow offers a Partnership Debtor Finance service for businesses that want to maintain control over contact with their customers and collections of invoices. We will assist with monthly statements for outstanding debts and have the flexibility to have our “soft collections” team assist you in recovering overdue invoices.
Does this sound familiar?
It seems that the more work you do and the busier you get, the less money you seem to have in the bank.
If you take on anymore customers or accept any more orders you may not be able to make payroll or pay your suppliers.
You have approached your bank, but they want more property security from you which you simply are not prepared to offer.
The bank has taken a look at your financials and although the new business you are taking on will boost your profits, historically your numbers are not where they would like them to be.
Your customers all pay their accounts according to your credit terms so you rarely have to chase them for money.
A Partnership Debtor Finance facility allows you to take control of the above situation. You can have access to unlimited working capital and take on those new customers and new orders. All this while having complete control of your collection process.
Call us now for a no equity, no collateral, no property security, grow as you grow based finance solution on 1300 652 158.