If I Have A Debtor Finance Facility With You, Will My Customers Care?
When signing up new clients for a Debtor Finance facility, a common concern they have is if their customers are going to care.
In this day and age most businesses large and small use some sort of banking finance or finance facilities (e.g bank overdraft, debtor finance etc.) to run their operations. So if your customers know that you’re using an invoice finance facility or you need funding to run your business, it’s likely they wont care as they’re probably using it themselves and it will come as no surprise that you need one too.
If you don’t want your customers to know that you’re using Debtor finance there are confidential facilities available, the downside with a confidential facility is you need a higher level of paperwork and there may be other collateral requirements in order to qualify for it. And also the financier may look at your business in a lot more in depth than if it was a full disclosed facility.