Be careful not to be tempted by the dangling carrot of concentrating all your risk on just one of your customers, the results can be devastating to your business. Now generally speaking, as a [...]
Unless you’re a one man band, it’s going to cost you! Obviously you are aware of what expenses you are incurring with operating your business from day to day. I thought I would give [...]
Whether you are a manufacturer, retailer, distributor or service provider, it is important to know and understand the internal and external factors that can impact your cash flow. In particular, [...]
Listen to your customers and increase your cash flow A very over looked area of a business and often a vital area is the customer service of a small or large business. Large companies spend [...]
Purchase order finance is one of the best ways for a business to get almost instant access to funds. Every business faces a cash crunch at some time or other, particularly when suppliers are [...]
The answer to your cash flow is locked up in your invoices! Okay – it’s about time we got a good understanding of what invoice factoring is and how it works. One of the most appealing definitions [...]
Usually used for when you have a large order placed by your customer that you cannot afford to get manufactured. You’ve used up all the money tied up in your invoices for working capital. [...]
Maintaining and growing gross margins is a key driver in keeping your business in profit and maintaining a healthy cash flow. At the same time, you must constantly be working out ways of [...]
A large proportion of businesses fail when they are in a growth phase. The main reason this occurs is a severe lack of planning resulting in no cash in the bank to pay expenses. These failed [...]
In the excellent book E-Myth by Michael Gerber, Michael points out that the primary reason for starting and building a business is to one day sell it. If he is correct in his hypothesis, and I [...]