Do it yourself debt collections or invoice discounting?
A lot of clients that call us for invoice discounting, do not actually need invoice discounting, in fact what they really need is a debt collector. Up until now I have usually just referred these people on to a solicitor or friendly debt collector… That is until now.
We here at AR Cash Flow have been blown away by the reponse we have had to our ebook “Access Cash without Getting Into Debt”. So much so that I am in the process of writing a new ebook on how to execute debt collections yourself. The book will be a hand book on debt collection. The beauty of this is when we have a potential client who is in need of this service, I can quickly email him my manual and he can take care of the collections himself.
If this one works I will then have to write the follow up book on “How to go NUCLEAR with your delinquent debtors” – this follow up ebook will no doubt run you through collecting using the courts.
Problem solved.