Port to Port Funding – New Trade Finance Option Released
Port to Port Funding is very similar to our Purchase Order Finance product however there is a slight twist.
You don’t require a purchase order. But essentially it revolves around the same old chestnut. “You’ve got a large order you can’t fulfill due to lack of capital or funding”
With ARs Port to Port Finance option, your customer may have paid a deposit for your goods yet won’t pay for the rest until the goods have been shipped and delivered. This proves a problem for you as you don’t have the capital to pay your supplier. The banks say no, they don’t want the risk involved in funding to an overseas supplier plus they won’t pay you until the goods are fully produced and delivered.
At AR Cash Flow we specialize in this type of transaction so for more information, contact the office on 1300 652 158 to organise an appointment with a Product specialist.
A detailed “Port to Port Funding” white paper will be coming out soon, but in the interim check out our latest white paper available for download now!
I might also add the following to this intro to port to port:
With this option no purchase order is required in order for us to provide the funding. Also, no debtor finance facility is needed to be put in place either. Port to Port provides a little more flexibility when compared to Purchase Order Finance.