I was reading an article today on SMH (www.smh.com.au)which talks about the big banks and the level of customer satisfaction when it comes to small business. It seems that SMEs turning over 5 [...]
You’ve heard me talk about banks vs Debtor Finance before. But one thing I didn’t delve into is the risk associated with choosing a bank loan. About 6 years ago I got myself a personal [...]
Good times can also bring problems. The financial rumor mills are at it again. A quick surf today revealed warnings that the ATO is set to take an aggressive stance toward SME debtors after [...]
Getting a business loan may not be that easy given the current economic scenario. It does not matter whether your company is small or big, the answer is going to be along the usual lines [...]
After reading a recent article at bloomberg.com (read it here) I hope that just because we got carted over here from England to what should be the “mother land” that we are not going to inherit [...]